Saturday, March 26
* onlineBADDIE has quit IRC (Quit: "Once an Exlover, ALWAYS an exlover"... dammit BADlungon na iro! wala gyud koi plano makigbalik nimo but how cum i'm always attached to you!?)
* `KiBiTzEr has quit IRC (Quit: how well will i remember. the look that was in his eyes stealing kisses from me on the sides. taking time to make time telling me that he's all mine!!! wa aahhh)
Friday, March 25
_TradeMark has quit IRC (Quit: i love you more today than yesterday, but not as much as tommorow......... ^_^)
Sunday, March 13
* BottomFeeder has quit IRC (Quit: Love is when you give someone complete power to destroy you and trust them not to.)
Tuesday, March 8
* `hector-- has quit IRC (Quit: "Without the awareness of death, everything is ordinary, trivial. It is only because death is stalking us that the world is an unfathomable mystery." - Carlos Castaneda, Tales of Power. Six Feet Under.)
Saturday, March 5
* ^sWoRDsAiNt^ has quit IRC (Quit: even if.. u mean the whole damn world to me.. i can forget you wait and see.. i will be strong even with out you.. waaaaaaah.. loves you bruise thunders! bye ter!)
* Harry20 has quit IRC (Quit: Love moves in mysterious ways. It's always so surprising how love appears over the horizon.)