Monday, February 28
* Quits: +BottomFeeder (BottomFeed@82-46-0-75.stb.ubr01.azte.blueyonder.co.uk) (Quit: I miss your emails. :-( )
* Quits: +BottomFeeder (BottomFeed@82-46-0-75.stb.ubr01.azte.blueyonder.co.uk) (Quit: I miss your emails. :-( )
* Quits: SeDaQaH (~schroedin@qumran.users.undernet.org) (Quit: It's going to be a long and winding road back to where I used to be from where I already have been.)
Saturday, February 26
* `hector-- has quit IRC (Quit: we are like ordinary people. some look for love, others look for the next big orgasm. we choose who we are, we always do. I CHOOSE LOVE.)
* Alex_KimZzZz has quit IRC (Quit: <> ingatz to the peeps here at the channel of haven... hehehe... GOd bless.>>>>>>)
* froccino has quit IRC (Quit: Ingats sa mga user friendly jan..... pili kau ng kaibigan na hindi ipagpapalit loyalty nyo sa load!!!! how cheap!!!!!!)
* damn2bgud has quit IRC (Quit: "Dreams are hopeless aspirations in hopes of coming true. Believe in yourself and the rest is up to me and you.!" -damn2bgud)
Friday, February 25
* Quits: BottomFeeder (BottomFeed@ (Quit: I miss you. I will wait for you. Wait for me, okay?)
* Quits: onlineBADDIE (haller@ (Quit: once an exlover, ALWAYS an exlover.... hinampak gyud ka! Boang ka! (pero mas boang pa ko..))
Wednesday, February 23
* ManzerZzZzZ has quit IRC (Quit: <> coz he has been crying this night just to take him back.. and i have been ofset by it.... Ingatz lage Lyza and Gavriel..:))
* Quits: +ScRuTcH^ (~gjkd@keewl.users.undernet.org) (Quit: indeed he's special.. pero special man sad ka lyz heheh :) ad2 nakow kay sau parade sa psna ugma!!)
Monday, February 21
*** N^[i]^V has quit IRC (Quit: One must learn to win without bragging and to lose with a smile, not only to friends but to fiends as well... N^[i]^V)
* Quits: @JoEy^` (ande@yggDrasil.users.undernet.org) (Quit: www.faceparty.com/inflicted007 ( deanchavarria@gmail.com <- connexion. add me please Ü ) And to the one i love: Nger. Wayuk ka :) Cram: Take care of the people yeko ? Vecna: thanks for being the most WAYUK of them all :) Good night everyone Ü God Bless...)
* Quits: SoothSayer (somewhere@ (Quit: I love my Havaianas Slippers!!!! Thanks Mitch for the gift!!! :P)
Friday, February 18
* Quits: [freeVERSE] (~rich_ponc@ (Quit: By the way, guardian^_^, a.k.a blazing_m, that wasn't the first time you did that. I already caught you twice kicking somone without the benefit of a warning. Don't worry i sent the logs to higher OPs. Take care yot!)
* Quits: badpuppy (~badpuppy@ (Quit: gtg na ppl... love is kind, so be kind to everyone... I'm with the lovers and the dreamers... in the land of Rainbow Youthopia... The Swarm rock... KB92.3!!!)
Thursday, February 17
* Quits: MaHBooo (~freak@ (Quit: The greatest thing in life is Time. Treasure it, treasure it as much as how I've treasured you. Those times were a bliss. I miss you. Just do what you like.)
Tuesday, February 15
thaumaturge has quit IRC (Quit: Give a man a match, and he'll be warm for a minute, but set him on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.)
Monday, February 14
bruchaboy has quit IRC (Quit: vcl: lahat ng mga pinoy baduy chaka gagmay ug otin... so better fuck off kay pinoy ka!!! dili ka cebuano, pero u stink more than a fat big in the canal!!!! asshole lolo-e imong lolo tsong!! kasabot ka wa? better look it up sa dicksyonary mo if you know how t)