Friday, December 31
* Quits: +hushpuppy (lang2x@tadashii.users.undernet.org) (Quit: This channel brings me a lot of pain. I better go back to the real me, than stay here and keep on waiting for that someone who will love me for now but will hurt me tomorow! Hope i can resist the temptation of coming back to this channel! Love you all...)

Thursday, December 30
* Quits: SeDaQaH (~bsd@qumran.users.undernet.org) (Quit: Yeah, it's just that Christmas-and-New-Year-is-lonely-without-you feeling. I'll get over it after New Year. Or maybe I just do love you still.)
Wednesday, December 29
* Quits: BottomFeeder (~lovely08p@ (Quit: I walked under a bus. I got him by a train. Keep falling in love which is kind of the same. I'm sunk out at sea, crashed my car, gone insane, and it felt so good... I wanna do it again.)

* Quits: aikenlei (coqueto@ (Quit: da end of da long journey I am sad,sorowful,broken Aftr me der wil b no more (of my kind).da day is lng past Wen I left my hme der s no hope in my hart der is only Death.)

* redripper has quit IRC (Quit: I hope you'll make it safely back home from sri lanka, Nate. I really, earnestly hope so.)
Tuesday, December 28
* JoEy^` has quit IRC (Quit: I'm convincing myself, yes ill find someone new, I wont be alone, and I wont be with you. Ur w8ing for me to crawl back 2 ur syd, but no..not diz tym, im kipin my pride.. so gudbye 4ever, ill b on my way, 8z gonna take tym, but ill be oki. im not gonna be okey:()
* BottomFeeder has quit IRC (Quit: Harry20. Harry20. Harry20. Harry20. Da da da. Gabinayot napud ko ai. :-P)
Friday, December 24
redripper has left us.undernet.org (Quit: The only thing I know about platonic love is that it isn't found in any of Plato's writings.)

Sunday, December 19
Friday, December 17
* Quits: mar|boro^cam (~prince@dialup-222-126-78-62.infocom.ph) (Quit: consumatum est. tapos na ang pagjejerk off!)
Monday, December 13
* Quits: _a_n_d_o_y (boink@ (Quit: One year ago, i met him. I can still remeber the clothes he wore, the food that we ate, the things that we talked about, and the thing that we did after the dinner. Hahay... But now, he is out of my sight, out of my reach, out of my warm hug. he is jms. the man that i loved, and will always love. but i dont ever have a picture of him! all i can do is wait. wait for an absolution which would never come.... : ))
* Parts: SeDaQaH (~bsd@qumran.users.undernet.org) (Yes, I love you very much, but only in de Lurd. Press Gad! Press One! Press powder!)
Sunday, December 12
* Quits: @bLaKmAmBa (lousyheart@p0k3y.users.undernet.org) (Quit: suddenly the world seems such a perfect place... come what may, i will love you until my dying day... i love you schatz!!)
* Quits: +angel_of_lyt (~light@angeloflyt.users.undernet.org) (Quit: gud morning leader of souls... god of wisdom... my true angel. :) you know who you are ;))
Saturday, December 11
* Quits: angel_of_lyt (~axlet@angeloflyt.users.undernet.org) (Quit: BRB #bi-gwapo <--- double click to join this old channel who seems to have grown old with out anyone noticing it. hehehe...)
Friday, December 10
* Parts: SeDaQaH (~bsd@qumran.users.undernet.org) ("Love must have wings to fly away from love, and to fly back again." (Edwin Robinson))
Wednesday, December 8
Tuesday, December 7
* Quits: @BottomFeeder (~purple@ (Quit: Work na lagi ko. Ayaw na suko ba. Sorry na. Please? I love you. Mwah.)
* Parts: SeDaQaH (~bsd@qumran.users.undernet.org) ("I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love." (Mother Teresa) Well, your kind of love sucks...figuratively and literally.)
Monday, December 6
* Parts: SeDaQaH (~bsd@qumran.users.undernet.org) ("But of all God's miracles, large or small, the most miraculous one of all is that one I thought could never be: God has given you to me." (from _The Fiddler on the Roof_))
Sunday, December 5
Friday, December 3
* Quits: SeDaQaH (~bsd@qumran.users.undernet.org) (Quit: For all is useless without that which you may guess at many times and not hitthat which I hinted at; Therefore release me, and depart on your way. (Walt Whitman))

Wednesday, December 1
* Quits: _|NfL|CteD_ (ande@yggDrasil.users.undernet.org) (Quit: When you're sick to death of second best, pet. Why should the morning always find you unimpressed? Is your love like a button? You can't stop pushing it? Oh this all night longing can be such a long time... http://www.connexion.org/viewallphotos.cfm?id=43884 <-15/m ctc?)